Member-only story
When Cats Fall from the Sky
There will be blood and laughter
Today was one of those weeks that just didn’t want to end. Long work days, activities with kids, sleep deprivation, and lots of driving. All I wanted was to recline on the couch and unwind.
Except life rarely gives you what you want. Sometimes it gives you something adjacent to what you want — if only just to fuck with you. I expect the unexpected and usually something bordering unexpected happens.
In this case, I finally settled down in bed, which is where I wanted to be all day long, and my classic tabby cat, Cosmo Chainsaw, sought me out. Having missed a few nights of our couch-surfing ritual, he found me. Mr. Chainsaw doesn’t always come into the bedroom. Any movement puts him on edge, so even rolling over causes him to panic and flee. He’s an anxious rescue who slept in a street sweeping machine for the first month of his life but has adjusted well overall. He’ll come to find me when he’s lonely and we haven’t had a good snuggle that day.
He tries very hard but is the most awkward snuggler. He paces around my lap or torso, kneading here and there while looking generally uncomfortable. He’ll try a few different positions, and never really settles. When he’s missed me, he lays on my belly and puts his head on the hands I have folded across my chest. I’m his…