I'm thrilled to have stumbled upon this piece.
You are exactly right. It's not only about fighting for equality in the world. We can easily forget to fight for it at home, too.
Admittedly, this lesson did not come easy for me. We had kids immediately after getting married, and I was not capable of adjusting quickly. I've paid a price and have learned many lessons the hard way. Our marriage suffered. It's not all about simply working hard; it's about working hard and smart in conjunction with our partners.
I had no idea how to manage a marriage and a household with kids and two full-time jobs. I was totally lost, so the project management part of it fell on my wife. I couldn't figure out why she was so bitter when I did what she asked, but now I know it was because she had to ask.
It is a bit painful to read, knowing that I made some of these mistakes, but glad to see how much I've learned. Both our son and daughter will be better for it.
You have absolutely nailed it, and I feel enlightened. I will apply these lessons appropriately.
Thanks so much for sharing this!